How do I become a GA DFCS IV-E Field Instructor?

Becoming a Title IV-E Field Instructor

To become a DFCS Field Instructor (FI) for a student in the Title IV-E Child Welfare Education Program (Title IV-E Program) an individual will need to:

  • Evaluate their workload and responsibilities. An FI plays a very important role in the education process for a practice degree such as social work and their workload should permit them to take on this additional responsibility.
  • Have a discussion with their immediate supervisor about their becoming a FI and their plan for handling additional duties.
  • Remember “Field education is the signature pedagogy for social work. Signature pedagogies are elements of instruction and socialization that teach future practitioners the fundamental dimensions of professional work in their discipline: to think, to perform, and to act intentionally, ethically, and with integrity.” Council on Social Work Education (CSWE). DFCS follows the FI requirements developed by CSWE the accrediting body for schools of social work. They are:
    • “B3.3.6 The program ensures that all baccalaureate students receive field supervision from an individual who holds a baccalaureate or master’s degree in social work from a CSWE-accredited program and who has at least two years of post-social work degree practice experience in social work.”
    • “M3.3.6 The program ensures that all master’s students receive field supervision from an individual who holds a master’s degree in social work from a CSWE-accredited program and who has at least two years of post-master’s social work degree practice experience in social work.”
  • Complete the IV-E Field Instructor Training course, OCP 773, and score at least an 80%. This course may be found on IOTIS. Depending on your classification, an individual may be able to self-register. If not, their supervisor will have to register them for the training.


Required Forms

Field Instructor Application

  • This form is completed by the applicant, their supervisor, and the county/section director.
  • Once completed it is sent along with the required documents to the Title IV-E Program email address
  • If all requirements are met, the Field Instructor Application will be approved by a Title IV-E Program Manager and returned.
  • The forms and training required to become a FI should be completed prior to your beginning to work with a student.

Beginning of each semester

  • Field Instructor Stipend form
  • The applicant and the county/section director complete Part I and send it to the appropriate Title IV-E Program Manager at the beginning of the internship.
    • Sharenda Robinson ( works with: Albany State University, Georgia State University, and Savannah State University
    • L. Denise Edwards ( works with: Augusta University, Fort Valley State University, Kennesaw State University, and University of Georgia
  • The Title IV-E Program Manager will sign it and return the form to you.
  • Please use a separate form for each semester. Combing semesters on one form makes it a challenge for regional accounting and may result in payment being delayed.


  • Complete the Student Intern Evaluation Form (make sure the student has also signed and received a copy) and submit it to the appropriate Title IV-E Program Manager
  • If there are any noteworthy activities the intern has completed, they may be noted here.
  • Any challenges the intern is experiencing may also be noted on this form.
  • Please note: if there are challenges with the student in the internship, they should be reported immediately to the DFCS Title IV-E Program Manager and to the Field Liaison at the student’s school. Do not wait until it is time to submit the Evaluation form.

End of the semester (end of the internship)

  • Submit to the Title IV-E Program Manager:
  • The second Student Intern Evaluation Form for the end of the semester (ensure that the student has also signed and received a copy)
  • Complete Part II of the Field Instructor Stipend Form
  • If all required documents with required signatures are submitted, the Title IV-E Program Manager will sign Part II of the Field Instructor Form and return it.
  • You will then forward it to Regional Accounting for payment (using the process for your county/region).

Additional Notes

  • The Field Instructor should not be a direct report of the intern for whom they will be providing field instruction.
  • As a Field Instructor, you should have at least one meeting with the school’s Field Liaison and the intern to discuss the field placement and the school’s requirements and expectations prior to the start of the internship.
  • This discussion should include the intern’s “Learning Plan” (schools may have a different name for the document) and the learning objectives for the semester.
  • When sending an email with the completed forms or sending an email about the student intern, please include the name of the school in the subject line, example: Stipend SSU

If there are any questions or concerns, do not hesitate to contact us .